Friday 20 June 2014

Noise Above Noise: Day 2

I've just started a week long residency with The Penthouse NQ in the run up to the Noise Above Noise event on the 27th. Here are some images of the initial stages of set up. I'm going to be making some form of artefacts that will be broadcasting the sounds I'm making. More images and sounds to come...

Sunday 2 March 2014


I answered some questions about the materials I use for Peel magazine. Link below:


Tim Croft and I recently projected a performance in Baltic 39 as part of their RIFF/T exhibition. A brief video on the event is above. More to follow when we've decided who we're going to document the performance in full...

Thursday 13 February 2014

New project

I've begun making some freeform drone and or ambient sounds with Jake Bielby. Above is the first recording.

Sunday 9 February 2014

Cold Land Records

Here is a compilation of sounds (with a Dolmen Dweller track nestled in there as well). Go have a listen/download/purchase and support interesting noises. 

Thursday 16 January 2014


I've been playing with running feedback through old, somewhat noisey hi-fi's through a looper unit, and modulating what it picks up. This coudl well develop into a performance. In the meantime, here are some recorded results. Named after the planet in Terry Carr's 'The Dance of the Changer and The Three'.